
Ocean Eagle

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Ocean Eagle

Contact Ocean Eagle

Have a question? I am always here to help.

Ocean Eagle

Contact Ocean Eagle

Have a question? I am always here to help.


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Get in Touch With Ocean

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Frequently Asked Questions


How Long Are Typical Activation Breathwork Sessions?

One Hour to one and a half hour.

Is There Any Scientific Evidence Supporting the Effectiveness of Activation Breathwork?

How Does Activation Breathwork Benefit Mental Health?

The Breathwork journeys assist in reconnecting broken synapsis in the brain as well reconnecting the brain and nervous system via neurotransmitters (ie, serotonin and dopamine). You can also bring the lymphatic system and immune systems back online.

What Distinguishes Activation Breathwork from Other Forms of Breathwork?

The way we physically move energy through the 7 chakras is unique. Also, the specially curated playlist sets Activation Breathwork apart from other forms of breathwork. It is a blend of holotropic and re-birth breathing and we use scents throughout the journey.

How Can I Learn More About Activation Breathwork?

I have a 5+ hour online course you can take (Click here to view) that will guide you through the entire process from start to finish.

Can Activation Breathwork Be Combined with Other Practices?

After learning to facilitate Activation Breathwork, and after asking permission from the journeyer, it may be appropriate to add practices as you are called to do so. But you must always have permission before you perform an modalities.

What is Breathwork?

Breath-Work is exactly that ... Breathing coupled with complete surrender to the Work at hand. It is about removing the blocks and constructs of the programmed mind that will attempt to prevent healing to take place. 

What can I expect in a Breathwork Journey?

I encourage people to have No Expectations and allow the breath to take you inward to the places where trapped and stuck energy lies. Expectations set you up to try and think your way through the journey when it's about completely surrendering to the unknown. 

Is Breathwork safe?

I have breathed many thousands of people and I've only witnessed healing take place. Of course, if you have any medical conditions or concerns, you should consult your own physician. During breathwork journeys, you are in control and have the right to stop at any time.

Can This Cure My Anxiety?

The only person who can answer that is You. One must enter the breathwork journey with a belief it can heal anything. What I can say is, I've witnessed and have countless testimonials of anxiety being dramatically lessened and even removed all together. 

What Specific Breathing Technique Do You Use?

I teach and guide through both power breathing and slow, meditative breathing. Always through the nose on the inhale and out of the mouth on the exhale. When done correctly and long enough you balance the O2 and CO2 levels properly creating homeostasis where we have the opportunity to Heal.

How Can I Become a Certified Activation Breathwork Facilitator?

Once a person takes the online course they qualify to attend one of my in-person facilitator training events. You must train with me in-person to receive a facilitator certification.