Activation Breathwork Miami Beach Event

Sunday, October 13th 5PM-9:30PM. A Two Breathwork Journey to Activate and Awaken Your Essence.

Sunday, October 13th 5PM-9:30PM. A Two Breathwork Journey to Activate and Awaken Your Essence.

Starts on Sunday, October 13, 2024

Ocean Eagle Miami Beach Breathwork Event
Ocean Eagle Miami Beach Breathwork Event
Ocean Eagle Miami Beach Breathwork Event

Come Experience A Transformational Journey. A Two Breathwork Journey to Activate and Awaken the Essence of Who You Are!

This offering will align your 7 Chakras and Empower You to Release Subconscious Belief Systems No Longer Serving Your Highest and Best Good.

Reserve Your Tickets Now

* Address / Location information will be on payment confirmation screen after checkout & you will be notified 24-72 hours prior to event with information as well. By purchasing a spot to this event you agree to the Payment Terms & Conditions as stated on this page


Sunday, October 13th, 2024

5:00 PM — 9:30 PM


1st Journey (Full 7 Chakra Journey)

30 Min Break for refreshment & restroom

2nd Journey (Upper Chakra Journey)

Group Processing Till End

Private Miami Beach Estate Where Breathwork Will Take Place

About Activation Breathwork

A soul deepening journey into the deeper parts of YOU!

Through courage and surrender you will be intuitively guided through the breath, sound, and touch to inner corners of your energetic universe within.It’s time to take a one-way trip back Home and Activate All your chakras to expose your Purpose and Essence for being here on earth during these times of immense transmutation and transformation!

Meet Your Facilitator Ocean Eagle

Ocean's childhood was deeply traumatic having been raised by alcoholic parents and a very physically abusive father and older brother. Even though he was a stand out athlete and attended school on a baseball scholarship, Ocean's demons from his past had him in the grips of addictions as he buried his trauma and pain with drugs and alcohol. At age 30, he finally got sober on November 18, 1999. In his 30's and 40's he was a very successful real estate broker and investor while raising his 4 children. Eventually, the unhealed demons of his past would come calling stealing the false happiness he was hiding behind. In May of 2019, Ocean had a spiritual awakening of Biblical proportions during his first ever Breathwork journey.

He has since dedicated his life to this healing modality and guides others to wholeness through Activation Breathwork. To teach others how to heal naturally through the breath only is something he is deeply passionate about.

Ocean Eagle's purpose is two-fold— to connect the souls who are ready to evolve and to balance the masculine and feminine energies on Mother Earth and to bring the planet into Harmony! 

Ocean is a 7 time published and 5 time Best Selling Author of:"The Gift of Inspirations", "The Gifts of Inspirations Vol 2", "S.A.L.T.", "Cracking the Rich Code Vol 2", "MindStirring Business Secrets", and "The Gifts of Desperations". Ocean is also the Founder of Activation Breathwork, a Retreat Facilitator, an Inner Soul Guide, & Inspirational Speaker!

Why Experience this event?

Activate all your chakras, unlocking your true purpose and essence during these transformative times. Gain clarity on your life's mission and experience a powerful energetic shift as you align with your higher self. Connect with a supportive community of like-minded individuals and grow together in a nurturing environment.

Who is this Experience for?

This experience is for anyone seeking deep personal transformation and healing. Whether you are new to breathwork or a seasoned practitioner, if you are ready to courageously explore and heal your inner self, this journey is for you. Ideal for those looking to activate their chakras, gain clarity on their life’s mission, and experience a powerful energetic shift. Join a supportive community of like-minded individuals and grow together in a nurturing and holistic environment.

What to Expect?

Our expert facilitators will guide you through breathing techniques designed to activate and balance your energy. Immerse yourself in sound healing that complements the breathwork, enhancing your journey. Experience the transformative power of touch as part of our holistic practice, helping you release and heal deeply.

  • A Full 7 Chakra Activation

  • Trauma Release

  • Removal of current anxieties

  • Removal of fears

  • Anger Release

  • Psychedelic Third Eye Journey (visions)

  • Buried, blacked out memories revealed

  • Somatic Release

  • Sexually charged

  • Feelings of vulnerability

  • Feelings of bliss and pure love

  • New found love and compassion for their inner child 

  • Possibly very emotional releases (crying, sobbing)

Items to Bring:

  • Each person needs a yoga mat, small blanket for the end, eye mask (I will have plenty), small pillow for the head

  • Lots of water

Reserve Your Tickets Now

Payment Terms & Conditions:

(All paid funds are non-refundable but applicable to future offerings by Ocean Eagle within 12 months unless cancelled within 30 days of event. Cancellations inside of 30 days are none-refundable and none-transferable)

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